Volunteer Recruitment Goals Are Set Strategically to Ensure Adequate Participation and Funding to Run a Brigade, as Well as Support Sustainable Year-Round Impact.
At the start of the Brigade planning process, each Chapter must understand that the Volunteer Recruitment Goal has to be reached in order to be able to go on a Brigade.
These Volunteer Recruitment Goals are set strategically in collaboration with in-country Global Brigades staff. When met, the goals ensure that Brigades have adequate participation, funding to run successfully, and the ability to support project sustainability year-round.
By recruiting more individuals to join your Chapter, you maximize your ability to make a difference during your Brigade and in our different Program Countries. Here's the data that shows how more volunteers equals more impact.
Each new member brings fresh perspectives, skills, and enthusiasm, which enrich our initiatives and broaden our reach.
Let's prioritize our recruiting efforts to strengthen our teams and enhance our collective ability to create positive change!
Volunteer Recruitment Goal:
🔎 Did you know Chapter Leaders are eligible for scholarships based on their successful volunteer recruitment efforts? Start recruiting to qualify! You can find out more information here.