Guidelines to Protect the Credibility of Global Brigades’ Tax-Exempt Status.
The tax ID is a credibility marker for donors seeking tax deductions. The IRS only gives these tax administration numbers to legal entities that meet strict annual operational and financial standards. Global Brigades will not share the tax ID directly with any Chapter, as the inappropriate use of the tax ID may cause the IRS-approved nonprofit status to be revoked.
If a fundraiser requires a tax ID, please contact your Program Associate and they will give you further instructions on how to proceed.
- Do not use a tax ID to open a Chapter bank account.
- Do not use a tax ID to fundraise for an individual. All donations must be made to Global Brigades.
- Do not provide a tax ID to solicit monetary donations from national organizations or corporations with the exception of foundations owned by a family member or family friend. Corporations should be solicited by Global Brigades to benefit all chapters. If a corporation asks for financial statements, a list of the Board of Directors, impact statistics, or a letter of intent, this suggests this is a national organization.
If you wish to set up a bank account for your Chapter of Global Brigades in order to collect funds, purchase medicine, material donations, and other club-related expenses, please note the following:
- The bank account should be set up through the university or outside the university with an individual's Social Security number, not the Global Brigades tax ID number.
- Collect all cash donations in this bank account.
- Tax receipts cannot be issued.
If you have a lead for potential donations to Global Brigades, please pass it along to Shital Vora at