How Can Supporters Make Donations Toward My Brigade?

What Payment Options Are Available and How Does MyBrigades Work?

Global Brigades cannot accept cash donations. In the U.S., monetary donations can be made via credit card, e-check, or paper check. In Canada, donations can be made by either credit card or paper check. In the UK, donations can be made solely by credit card. 

Instructions for Credit Card and E-check Donations

  • All credit card donations must be made using the donation button on your Chapter’s Brigade Page on our website.
    • Use the Chapters search tool to find your Chapter.
    • Then, navigate to the Brigades tab of your Chapter to find your upcoming Brigade. Each Brigade has a “Donate” button.
    • During the donation process, donors can decide to donate toward a specific volunteer’s Donation Goal or toward the group's Donation Goal.
    • Each volunteer must be signed up on their Chapter’s Brigade Page in order to participate in a Brigade. For instructions on how to make donations, use this Global Brigades: Brigade Pages and MyBrigades Tutorial.
  • Donors will automatically receive a tax receipt e-mailed to the address they used when they made their donation. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
  • In order to ensure 100% of all donations go towards their purpose, credit card donors will be charged a 3.5% + 30 cents merchant fee, which covers online credit card and transaction fees associated with their donations. Donors wishing to bypass this processing fee are encouraged to make their donation via check or e-check.
  • The e-check option is disabled 14 days prior to a Brigade's start date.

Instructions for Check Donations

  • All checks must be made payable to “Global Brigades, Inc.” in the U.S. or "Global Brigades Health and Development" in Canada. Checks made payable to an individual or a Chapter are considered a personal gift, and they are not eligible to receive a tax receipt from Global Brigades.
  • The donor should include the recipient volunteer’s information on the memo line so that the funds can be added to the appropriate fundraising account. Include the volunteer’s name, their school, and their Brigade Program (e.g. Medical).
  • To ensure that the check is received and tracked, the volunteer should communicate the following to Global Brigades via email before sending the check:
    • Donor's name
    • Donor's email address
    • Check number
    • Check amount
    • Volunteer’s name
  • In the U.S., checks should be mailed to the following address:

P.O. Box 101875
Pasadena, CA 91189-1875

  • In Canada, checks should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 9344
Station A
Toronto, Ontario M5W 3M2

  • Once the check is received, it will be added manually to the Brigade’s fundraising page to go toward meeting the group or individual volunteer Donation Goal (whichever was specified by the donor). If a donor only specified a Brigade and not a specific volunteer, the donation will be applied toward the general Brigade group Donation Goal. Check processing time takes approximately 1-2 weeks.
  • Donors who donate $250 or more will be mailed a tax receipt if they provide their name and mailing address along with the check. Donors can also submit a request for a donation receipt for any amount donated to Global Brigades via check.