Honduras Brigade Add On 

Global Medical Brigades is introducing new ways volunteers can further impact through their brigade experience.

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Honduras Enrichment Activities

Museums in Comayagua

Explore Honduran culture in museums like the IHAH. Visit Comayagua, the hearth of Honduras and learn more about pre-Hispanic times in the Country. 

Extra days: 1 | $190 USD | $234 CAD | £126 GBP

Honduras Enrichment Activities

Eco-Stove Day

Visit rural community projects in Honduras, and help implement Eco-Stove projects with community members.

Eco-Stoves produce less particulate emissions, improving health and respiratory diseases found with traditional cooking. 

Extra days: 1 | $190 USD | $234 CAD | £126 GBP

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Honduras Enrichment Activities

Hygiene Station Construction

Hygiene stations construction follow Basic Sanitation Committee proposals to complete public Health goals the community has set. 

The total length of the construction is 3 days.  Adding one construction day from your regular itinerary and 2 more days to the Brigade to complete the construction.

Extra days: 2 |$360 USD | $455 CAD | £245 GBP 

Honduras Enrichment Activities

Cantarranas and candy factory visit

Located a few miles away from Tegucigalpa, we have Cantarranas, considered a modern treasure full of art. Often also referred to as a "selfie town"

Made up of artists from different cultural backgrounds, the city counts with a large collection of murals you cannot miss. 

Extra days: 1 | $190 USD | $234 CAD | £126 GBP

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Honduras Enrichment Activities

Walk through Choluteca 

Learn more about Honduran culture by visiting Choluteca.  Known for its agricultural hinterland yielding mainly coffee, cotton, melons, and cattle, Choluteca retains a good deal of interesting sightseeing site from the Spanish colonial period.

You will have a chance to visit the Chinchayote Mirador or Salt Mine depending on the season you visit Honduras. 

Extra days: 1 | $190 USD | $234 CAD | £126 GBP 

Learn More about Honduras Brigades Add On

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  • How does an enrichment activity work?
    Your Brigade would last 7 days plus the duration of the activity or activities you choose. During the entire duration of the Brigade plus the enrichment activities, you would have Global Brigades staff to support and accompany you!
  • What is included in the “additional add-on donation goal”?
    The additional donation goal includes lodging, transportation, meals, logistics, entrances to sites if it is a cultural activity, or donations to projects for programmatic activities, as well as insurance for the extra day(s).
  • Do all volunteers joining the Brigade need to join the enrichment activities?
    To add an enrichment activity, we need at least the minimum number of volunteers to run a Brigade independently (sustainable level) to join the activity

Reach out to your Chapter Leader or Program Associate to learn more about these opportunities! 

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